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Peerceptiv is a third-party enterprise tool in Canvas that can help assist with peer reviews and peer evaluations. Peerceptiv enables true peer-to-peer learning, while offering professors the flexibility to participate in assessment any way they wish. Faculty can use real-time data to collaborate with students throughout the review process or participate selectively. Instructors can choose to benchmark grades with their own reviews, review all submissions, or generate grades with Peerceptiv’s advanced, proven algorithms.

Assignment types
  1. Individual peer review: student uploads a document and peers can be assigned to review it. 
  2. Group submission peer review: submissions are done as a group. 
  3. Peer or group member evaluation:  every member of the group rates each other on a scale from 1 to 5. Instructors can set up criteria and rubrics to guide the process and have Peerceptiv send back a grade based on the results for each students.

 Canvas Integration for Individual and Group Assignments

  1. Navigate to the Assignment tab in the course navigation pane.
  2. Click + Assignment in the top right corner.
  3. Ensure that the due date is the date for submitting the portion of the assignment that will be reviewed. This will help ensure grades are received appropriately.
  4. Under Submission Type, select External Tool.
  5. In the box that appears, click Find on the right.
  6. In the pop-up window, locate and select Peerceptiv, then click Select.
  7. From the Submission Type box, check the Load This Tool in a New Tab option.
  8. Click Save at the bottom right of the assignment.
For a video walkthrough see Creating a Peerceptiv Course (1:51).
Instructors will need to create a course in Peerceptiv to create assignments. A separate course in Peerceptiv will need to be created for each Canvas course. Peerceptiv courses should only be accessed through the Canvas course it is linked to in order to minimize issues. To set up a course in Peerceptiv,
  1. Navigate to the assignment in Canvas and select Load [Name of Assignment] in a new window.
  2. If prompted, authorize Group Sync.
  3. A screen to create the linked Peerceptiv course will appear.
  4. Fill out the name of the course, discipline, institution, semester or term, and any other settings preferred for the course.
  5. Click Create.
Individual Peer Review/ Group Review


This feature is useful to apply grades on an individual assignment basis. If you have larger classes or a large number of assignments, we recommend using the Apply Grade to all Ungraded feature. To use Set Default Grade:

  1. After setting up the Peerceptiv course, navigate back to the assignment in Canvas:
  2. Click the Load [Name of Assignment] in a new window.
  3. A window titled Choose an assignment creation method will appear. Click Build a Custom Assignment.
    • You can also select Choose a Standard Workflow and choose Individual Peer Assessment. However, using this option may skip over portions of the assignment settings you may wish to adjust.
  4. Under Assignment Type, select Peer Assessment. Click Next.
  5. Under Submission, select Individual Students. Click Next.
    • If you are setting up a group assignment, select Student Groups here.
  6. Under Review, select Peer Reviews if students will review each other or Teacher Graded Only if the assignment will be graded only by an instructor. Click Next.
  7. Under Feedback, choose whether to include the Feedback phase or not. Click Next.
  8. Confirm your settings and select Submit.
  9. The screen will then navigate to the Assignment creator. Enter the Assignment name exactly as it appears in Canvas. Enter a description and click Next.
  10. Include what type of submissions will be allowed. A check indicates which types will be allowed. Click Next.
  11. Select how many reviewers will be used for the assignment and click Next. Select any additional settings for reviews. Click Next.
  12.  Fill out the rubric for the Feedback Phase. Click Next.
  13. Fill out the settings for Grading. For additional information, see How Grading Works in Peerceptiv below. Click Next.
  14. Set any deadlines as appropriate. Click Next.
    • Note: The deadline for the Submission Phase needs to match due date in Canvas to ensure that the grade is passed back appropriately.
  15. Choose any advanced settings, click Next and then Finish.

For a video walkthrough see Creating a Peerceptiv Individual Assignment (2:41) or Creating a Peerceptiv Group Assignment (2:45).

If previously created assignment is being copied:
  1. Click the Load [Name of Assignment] in a new window.
  2. A window titled Choose an assignment creation method will appear. Click Copy a past assignment.
  3. Select the assignment to copy. Assignments can be copied across courses.
  4. Walk through the assignment settings using the next and back buttons and adjust any as necessary.
  5. Click Finish.
Once everything has been set up for an assignment, make sure to publish the assignment in Canvas. Peerceptiv will not publish the assignment until the designated date during the creation process.
After setting up the assignment, the next step is to create the rubric. Rubrics in Peerceptiv are most effective when each rubric criterion has a comment prompt and a rating prompt. This allows students to rate the quality of the work quantitatively and provide constructive feedback through the comments.
  1. If not on the Rubric tab, click Rubric on the assignment navigation pane on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click the + button.
  3. Click Comment Prompt.
  4. A pop up will appear asking if a prompted will be created scratch or if the prompt will be copied.
    • If doing a prompt from scratch, enter thee name, prompt, and number of comment required in the pop-up window and click Save.
    • If copying a prompt, click the Select button in the top right of the prompt. Make any necessary changes and click Save.
  5. After the category is created click Add a Rating Prompt within the category.
  6. Choose whether to add a rating from a library or create a new rate from scratch.
    • If doing a prompt from scratch, enter thee name, prompt, and number of comment required in the pop-up window and click Save.
    • If copying a prompt, click the Select button in the top right of the prompt. Make any necessary changes and click Save.
  7. Repeat steps 1 – 5 until the rubric has been finalized.

Peerceptiv also allows you to import rubrics from a Library. By click this options, instructors will see rubric templates they’ve created, had shared with them, as well as a few rubrics Peerceptiv has created. Instructors can manage their rubric Library by clicking on their initial in the top right corner and selecting Manage Rubric Library.
All comments are anonymous, and ratings are anonymous. Students will not know who gave what comments or feedback. After creating the assignment, be sure to Publish the Assignment in Peerceptiv and on Canvas.

For a video walkthrough see Creating a Peerceptiv Rubric Assignment (2:14).

Canvas Integration for Peer or Group Member Evaluations

If the Canvas course does not have a corresponding Peerceptiv course already created, follow steps 1 and 2 above. After creating groups, navigate to Peerceptiv to set up the assignment. To do this:
  1. Click Load [Name of Assignment] in a new window.
  2. A window titled Choose an assignment creation method will appear. Click Build a Custom Assignment.
    • You can also select Choose a Standard Workflow and Peer Evaluation. However, using this option may skip over portions of the assignment settings you may wish to adjust.
  3. Select Peer Evaluation Only.
  4. Select whether students will give evaluations based on groups or will select who to evaluate. Click Next.
  5. Confirm and select Submit.
  6. The screen will navigate to the Assignment creator. Enter the Assignment name exactly as it appears in Canvas. Enter a description and click Next.
  7. Under Evaluation, select additional requirements for the evaluations. Be sure to select ‘Use peer evaluation ratings for grades’ to have Peerceptiv use the average of a student’s evaluations as a grade to pass back to Canvas. Click Next.
  8. Adjust deadlines for the evaluation and click Next.
    • Note: The deadline for the Submission Phase needs to match due date in Canvas to ensure the grade is passed back appropriately.
  9. Adjust any advanced settings and click Next. Click Finish.
For a video walkthrough see Creating a Peerceptiv Group Evaluation (2:22).
After setting up the assignment, link the groups used in Canvas and continue with steps below:
  1. From the Assignment Dashboard, select Groups on the lefthand menu.
  2. Click Group Sync.
    • The first time you click group sync, you will be prompted to authorize Peerceptiv to sync with Groups in Canvas. Be sure to authorize the permission.
  3. Select the set of groups you would like to sync.
In addition to syncing groups, instructors have other ways to create groups within Peerceptiv.
  1. To manually create groups, click the New Groupbutton.
    • A group will appear with the option to adjust the name. Click the + button to add members.
  2. To add groups from a list, click Upload Group List.
    • Upload a CSV file using the format outlined or copy and paste the groups. A similar file can be downloaded from Canvas by navigating to the Groups Sections under People and clicking Import. There is an option to download the course roster which will include groups.
For a video walkthrough see Syncing Canvas Groups with Peerceptiv (1:25).
Now that groups are set up, a rubric will need to be created that students will use to evaluate each other. To do this:
  1. Click on Rubric on the Assignment Dashboard/Overview.
  2. Use the Pencil and Trash, and + buttons to edit or delete the autopopulated criteria.
  3. To add additional criteria, click the + button.
  4. Click Comment Prompt.
  5. A pop up will appear asking the prompt will be created from scratch or if the prompt will be copied.
    • If doing a prompt from scratch, enter thee name, prompt, and number of comment required in the pop-up window and click Save.
    • If copying a prompt, click the Select button in the top right of the prompt. Make any necessary changes and click Save.
  6. After the category is created click Add a Rating Prompt within the category.
  7. Choose whether to add a rating from a library or create a new rate from scratch.
    • If doing a prompt from scratch, enter thee name, prompt, and number of comment required in the pop-up window and click Save.
    • If copying a prompt, click the Select button in the top right of the prompt. Make any necessary changes and click Save.

Peerceptiv also allows you to import rubrics from a Library. By click this options, instructors will see rubric templates they’ve created, had shared with them, as well as a few rubrics Peerceptiv has created. Instructors can manage their rubric Library by clicking on their initial in the top right corner and selecting Manage Rubric Library.
All comments are anonymous, and ratings are anonymous. Students will not know who gave what comments or feedback. After creating the assignment, be sure to Publish the Assignment in Peerceptiv and on Canvas.

For a video walkthrough see Creating a Peerceptiv Rubric Assignment (2:14).



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