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Student Research Excellence Award

Each year, the School of Public Health selects one graduating undergraduate, masters level and doctoral level student to receive the Award for Research Excellence. These awards recognize students who have demonstrated excellence in the design, conduct, execution, and impact of research stemming from thesis, dissertation, or a portfolio of research projects in which they have been involved during their research experience at the school. The winning students, nominated by each department and selected by the Research Committee, are recognized in May.


All students who are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremonies of the current calendar year are eligible to compete for the award. Student eligible for graduation include those who have completed their core courses, are completing concentration courses the semester they participate in commencement, and have completed the MHA capstone course, the MPH comprehensive exams, the MSPH thesis, or the doctoral dissertation. 

Students should review the application procedures and application as listed below:

Important Dates

February/early March: Call for nominations sent out. Students/Faculty mentors must notify Department Head desire to apply. 

March 15th: Applications are due for Departmental leadership review. Each department can nominate up to two students in each category (undergraduate, master's level, and doctoral level). 

March 22nd: Departmental nominations are submitted for Research Committee Review.

Late April: Winners are announced at the annual SPH banquet.

Application Procedures and Application